Fallujah. Shooting and Crying: The Unlearned Lessons of American Atrocity

by Chris Floyd and Nicolas J.S. Davies on 17-01-2022

Just over nine years ago, in November 2004, the United States military carried out an atrocious war crime in Fallujah at the behest of its civilian leaders. Having already committed "the supreme international crime" -- aggresive war -- the American military now declared a whole city full of innocent civilians to be a "free fire zone" and proceeded to pulverize the town with bombs, missiles, chemical weapons and finally a ground attack by thousands of troops.

During 2013 members of the press who were killed or injured in Iraq climbed to alarming numbers, while freedom of the press was smashed between the hammer of armed militias and the anvil of the government.

In Iraq, at least 404 media professionals have been killed since the US invasion in 2003, among them 374 Iraqis, according to The BRussells Tribunal statistics. The impunity in Iraq is far worse than anywhere else in the world.

Sunni mosques in Basra close because of Sectarian Violence

by Wameed Alganim and Lubna Al Rudaini on 17-09-2021

Journalist Saad Qusay raised concerns some days ago about the escalated violence in Basra, stating that not one day goes by without witnessing an assassination or killing by militants, using silencer guns. Threatening letters are being spread among the Sunni population.

Iraq: State terrorism in Hawija

by Abdul Ilah AlBayaty, Hana Al Bayaty, Ian Douglas on 24-04-2022

The government of Iraq, installed under occupation and maintained after the US retreat, has committed a new massacre against peaceful protesters in the town of Hawija. The forces used and the way it was achieved reminds us of the Fallujah massacre at the beginning of the occupation.

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The BRussells Tribunal is independent and wants to remain independent.

The BRussells Tribunal is an activist think tank and peace organisation with a special focus on Iraq. Read more...

Killed 28 civilians and seven others were injured as a result of government air raid targeted homes ...


AMSI condemned this action, and sees it as a step of incremental steps being taken to the ...


All this makes the current war a preventive one, which international law tends to consider ...
