Netanyahu’s Vision: A World Without the ICC

by Global Research on 17-01-2022

Israel has become something of a shock soldier against the ICC.

For the Office, the focus of the inquiry into Palestine's ability to accede to the Rome Statute has consistently been the question of Palestine's status in the UN, given the UNSG's role as treaty depositary of the Statute.

Lord Dykes asked: 'Is my noble friend aware that more and more people think it is some kind of attempt to prolong the agony of Mr Blair facing possible war crimes charges?'

Australia’s former Prime Minister John Howard has been accused of war crimes before the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

Here Lies My Brother

by ICH on 11-01-2022

"These are Mohammad’s shoes. I wanted to put them here... His pants. They still have dirt on them. I don’t want to wash them; I want to leave them as they are." -Mohammad Abu Daher’s mother

The BRussells Tribunal is independent and wants to remain independent.

The BRussells Tribunal is an activist think tank and peace organisation with a special focus on Iraq. Read more...

death ... injured ...


Republicans leadership told to expect language from Obama administration that would provide new ...


Mass surveillance doesn’t only infringe on our privacy, but also our ability to speak freely. ...
