Boston on the Tigris

by Dirk Adriaensens on 21-04-2022

While on 15 April the whole world was focused on the Boston marathon blasts, at least 79 people were killed, and over three hundred others injured – mostly civilians – in a series of bombings and armed attacks across Iraq.

La nation ouest-africaine devient le huitième pays dans les seules quatre années dernières où les musulmans sont tués par l’Occident.

Barack Obama's tears for the children of Newtown are in stark contrast to his silence over the children murdered by his drones

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The BRussells Tribunal is independent and wants to remain independent.

The BRussells Tribunal is an activist think tank and peace organisation with a special focus on Iraq. Read more...

"There are signs that the Iraqi army can no longer cope with a crisis in which it is ...


Border closures, cut-off of communication, and threats from military ...


To follow the massacre scenario of Hawija (Kirkuk region, Iraq) on April 23rd 2013, when 50 ...
