For imprisoned Iraqi women life is unbearable

by Bie Kentane on 24-02-2022

Women prisoners have been subjected to torture by electrocution, beatings, and rape by the investigators during interrogation. Often they were arrested instead of their husbands. Some of the women have no idea why they were arrested and imprisoned for many years. Some of the inmates' children were born in prison. Have a look at these revealing videos. This horrendous situation has been created by the US occupation and is continuing under Maliki's puppet government.

When Madeleine Albright asked in May 1996 about the death of half a million Iraqi children as a result of UN sanctions, she said: "we think the price is worth it." By "it" she meant US interests, propping US hegemony, and preparing for regional military action.

Iraqi MP Ali Shubbar, member of the Parliamentary Human Rights Committee, accused Iraqi female inmates in Iraqi prisons of "sexual lust" and continued by claiming that they “expose themselves to the police”. He also said that “some prisoners have sexual thirst. So they present themselves to the police to have sex with them and then they later claim that they have been raped.”

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The BRussells Tribunal is independent and wants to remain independent.

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