Israel’s brutality there has reached unprecedented levels.

The Blind, Deaf World Media is Finally Talking about the Crimes of Al-Maliki Militias Against Children Who Were Imprisoned and Executed Because of Using An Unregistered Mobile SIM Card

I'm trying to imagine how many years it will take before we see a UN Ambassador or anyone really, in Baghdad, apologizing for the devastation in Iraq. Some call that a genocide as well.

In Iraq there is an ongoing massacre. Below are the figures of the dead and wounded brought daily, to just one hospital in the country’s largest governorate, Anbar Province, the Emergency Department of the Fallujah General Hospital, between 28th February 2014 and 7th May 2014.

DUBAI, 24 March 2022 (IRIN) - Health officials in Iraq are stepping up polio immunization and surveillance following the first confirmed case of the virus in the country in more than a decade.

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The BRussells Tribunal is independent and wants to remain independent.

The BRussells Tribunal is an activist think tank and peace organisation with a special focus on Iraq. Read more...

Killed 28 civilians and seven others were injured as a result of government air raid targeted homes ...


AMSI condemned this action, and sees it as a step of incremental steps being taken to the ...


All this makes the current war a preventive one, which international law tends to consider ...
